We are getting ready for another Irish Spring Festival in Ireland, WV. Below is some info from the AIRBA meetup.com site but I thought we could lead in with a photo showing just where you may end up if your bowl does not roll straight or the road turns just a bit too much.
Lusher says meet me in Ireland, WV!
http://www.meetup.com/Asheville-Irish-Road-Bowling-Association/calendar/15338567/"March 19th at 2:30PM (usually) Teams of 4
March 20th at 1:30PM (usually) Teams of 2
March 20th at 1:30PM (usually) Teams of 2
It may be early but for those that have made the trek in the past they know we need to plan a little in advance because this one is in Ireland, WV.
If anyone that has never been before would like to go just let me know and I can give advice on lodging and things to do while you are up there. I would also recommend looking into carpooling and maybe setting up your teams in advance. There are always other bowlers up there who need teammates but those of us who have gone multiple years usually set that up in advance. Drop me an email if you are going and I can help get everyone organized. Also we usually have to get back and can't bowl on Sunday but I am sure some might want to bowl both days.
For the veterans of the group you know the drill. It will be a little different this year for Jess and me with Grady tagging along but we will definitely be there.
More info to follow."